While this may seem like an absurd question for a company that provides security guards to ask, we hear it from prospective customers all the time. This is because some people are completely unfamiliar with the idea of guarding, while others have had bad experiences with other security companies and have misconceptions about what it entails.
How would you define “security guarding” in a dictionary?
The best place to start when trying to explain “security guarding” is with the definition from the dictionary: Safety (Security) is the state of being free from danger or threat, and Guarding also called Protective – watch over in order to protect or control.
Therefore, we may assume that according to the dictionary, a security guard’s job is to keep an eye on whatever it is that they are responsible for protecting, making sure everything is safe and secure. Is that easy to understand? All security guarding suppliers have somewhat different ideas about what this should imply and how to implement it, as you’ll see when you look for a service or a vocation. The saying “there’s more than one way to cook an egg” holds some water, but ultimately it boils down to your preferred method of company protection.
For Fast K9 Security, what exactly does “security guarding” entail?
“Providing a suitably rested, qualified & monitored security guard to keep our client’s property safe” is what Fast K9 Security implies when they talk about security guards. Here are a few things we do and the reasons behind them. These are all vital, even if they don’t always follow a logical sequence.

Finding the best Guards
We usually get anywhere from twenty to one hundred applicants for each guarding job that we post. Taking on every applicant and crossing our fingers isn’t going to cut it; on average, we only wind up hiring around one in seven people who show up for an interview. As a rule, below are the steps we take when hiring new employees:
Posting on a job board: At this point, when we apply for the job, we normally get the aforementioned figures.
All applicants for the position of security guard are required to complete an application form before being considered for an interview. The purpose of the form is to gather information needed to go on to the next step of the screening process and to determine whether the candidate’s abilities are a good fit for our needs. On average, we get one application for every ten individuals who express interest on a job board. Also, we usually receive a few unpleasant calls because we won’t meet with those who don’t have a form.
Interview: Since our application is lengthy and detailed, it would be fair to invite all candidates who have filled it out to an interview (assume the post is still available, of course). Our interview procedure is well-organized, consisting of five scenario-based questions and an observational film that serves as both an evaluation of the candidate’s abilities to observe and write a report. The most frequent reason we can’t give someone a job is because they had a bad score in the observation exercise, therefore we’ll have agreed on a score for the activities before the interview.
Job Offer: We will extend job offers to those we believe would be a strong fit for our team after we have interviewed all of the applicants. Once we get the applicants’ information, our screening coordinator will reach out to them to provide an offer of employment as a security guard. They will also collaborate with the candidate to guarantee a smooth screening and vetting process.
Examination and Evaluation
Security companies will claim you they screen and vet its guards, but it’s simple for them to say that.
You may expect that it will take some time and that a significant portion of it is dependent on the responsiveness of previous employers. “Immediate start” positions are a major red flag for any firm. Security is a tight-knit community, and it’s strange how seldom we are asked for references when employees switch jobs.
The standard we are required to test our employees against is BS7858, which is stated often. In order to meet this requirement, we must:
Verification of Credit
Five Years of Employment
Address and Identity
Director Checks
Sanctions on a Global Scale
A Review of Social Media
Some of our clients have even said that we “make it difficult for ourselves” when they inquire about our methods. Let me break it down for you. The years have taught us. Since we, like every other security firm, have fallen victim to the BS7858 standard’s failure to identify individuals with questionable backgrounds, we are very picky about the people we choose to fill security guard positions. We have discovered that character references provide a more accurate depiction of the applicant than “date confirmation” references do, especially because many businesses presently refuse to provide any information about employment.
While it is true that individuals are DBS checked when their license is given, three years is a fairly lengthy period. We DBS check our employees since we have discovered over the years that the communication between the courts and SIA isn’t always the greatest.
Regarding the matter of delaying the commencement of security guarding duties until thorough vetting is finished, the reasoning is straightforward: we’ve seen cases when staff members failed vetting, yet during that time, customers developed attachments to them. Please wait to meet the team until they are fully prepared to roll out; no one likes to hear “no” from a customer.

How Do Security Guarding Carry Out Their Duties?
Several important duties fall on security guarding to guarantee the safety and security of the places they are assigned to guard:
Ensuring the premises: Watching and patrolling the grounds, guards look for any indicators of incursion or unusual behaviour. They guard other important sites like exits and doors. Guards check credentials, confirm identities, and make sure only authorised people access restricted areas. They could provide temporary passes and handle visitor records. Many guards look after CCTV cameras and other security equipment to identify any hazards.
Responding to alarms and emergencies: Guards look into and react fast to any disruptions on the premises. Many times, they get training in emergency response systems.
Stopping illegal activity: The obvious presence of security personnel discourages possible offenders.
Usually writing daily activity reports and keeping records of any strange events or incidents, guards also
Apart from security responsibilities, guards frequently help guests with general questions or directions.
Liaising with emergency services: Guards call and arrange with police, fire departments, or medical professionals as required. Guarding rules and policies guarantees that users of the premises abide by accepted guidelines and business standards. Part of their responsibilities include risk evaluations and safety inspections carried out by certain guards.
Parking management: Guards might keep an eye on parking spaces and handle any problems that surface.

Where do security guarding needed?
Actually, this is a difficult question with no straightforward response. Being among the top suppliers of strong security solutions for many different industries in the United Kingdom, we have personally experienced first-hand exactly how much of a difference security guarding can make.
We do, however, also recognise that there are certain situations where human security is much more advantageous than it would otherwise be. Here is just a few of possible situations:
Usually housed in a guardhouse or tiny cabin, these security officers on a commercial or retail park would keep an eye on the entry to the area and record visitor traffic to guarantee a safe and secure environment always.
At the front of a building site: Mass targets for intruders and thieves are construction sites. Strategically placed at the entrance to the site or at sites of interest on the property, effective security guards assist reduce the hazards site owners might come across.
Within medical institutions or hospitals – Medical institutions like hospitals or clinics are among the most at-risk settings and maybe where security staff is most required. Especially important are the skills to defuse disagreement (emotions run high in hospitals) and stop theft or intrusion.
Usually loaded with high-value goods, warehouses or distribution hubs are easy target for opportunistic criminals. Using stationary security guards can help you to reduce company loss and theft risk.
Although these are just a few of the more in-demand fields for security guarding, almost every industry and company might benefit in some capacity from the presence of security staff on their premises.
In the end, most of this boils down to the particular demands of your particular property or company; with Fast K9 Security customised security strategy, you will always have the precise coverage you want.

When it comes to security guarding, why should you choose Fast K9 Security?
Fast K9 Security has been providing high-quality, individually-tailored security guarding services for businesses and other facilities for over 20 years.
During our first meeting, we will go over all of your site’s unique security requirements and concerns, as well as how we can work around your guarding schedule. By doing so, we can get insight into your industry, the unique threats to the safety of your building, and the measures that have proven most effective in the past.
Then, we’ll provide you with specially trained security personnel who are well-versed in the region and, if required, have relevant work experience.
This is on top of the round-the-clock assistance your security staff receives from our state-of-the-art Communications Team, which keeps them in continual communication with our professional operators and provides them with all the resources they could possibly need.
When it comes to protecting your property, Fast K9 Security is the obvious option because to our excellent reputation and large network of security agents trained by the SIA.