Fast K9 Security

Security Control in Ashford

Need Protection for your premises with our 24/7 Security Control in Ashford?

Need 24/7 Security Control in Ashford?

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Are you looking for a company that can protect and manage Security Control in Ashford?

We are delighted to provide a comprehensive range of services through out Dover city, including Security guards, CCTV systems, fire detection and evacuation systems. Our first goal is to maintain your site secure for your Security Control in Ashford and to do thorough inspections, eventually presenting you with the proper solutions that meet your demands and standards.

Fast K9 Security provides a wide range of services including:

When it comes to Manned Guarding in London, Fast K9 Security is your best bet for dependable, well-dressed professionals.

Our Security Control in Ashford are all screened by the Criminal Records Bureau and carry insurance. To guarantee that we are only hiring the most trustworthy persons as Security Control in Ashford, we conduct thorough background checks in accordance with the BS 7858 2012 Vetting and Screening standard. Each of our Security Control in Ashford undergoes rigorous training to guarantee they are up to the high standards we set for them.

If you’d like additional information or a free estimate, please contact us on 0203 668 3654.

Why to choose us for your 24/7 Security Control in Ashford?

A Security Control in Ashford on a construction site has several important duties and responsibilities to ensure the safety and security of the site and its occupants. Some of the key duties of a security guard on a construction site include:

  1. Access control: The Security Control in Ashford and monitors access to the construction site, ensuring that only authorized personnel and vehicles are allowed entry. They may check identification, issue visitor badges, and maintain a log of people entering and leaving the site.
  2. Patrols and surveillance: The Security Control in Ashford conducts regular patrols of the construction site to detect any suspicious activities or potential security breaches. They may monitor the site using video surveillance systems or other security equipment and report any unusual or unauthorized behavior.
  3. Preventing theft and vandalism: Construction sites are often targets for theft, vandalism, and trespassing. The Security Control in Ashford is responsible for deterring and preventing such incidents by being vigilant, maintaining a visible presence, and promptly reporting any suspicious activities to the relevant authorities.
  1. Emergency response: In the event of an emergency, such as a fire, medical incident, or security breach, the Security Control in Ashford is responsible for alerting the appropriate emergency services, coordinating evacuation procedures if necessary, and providing assistance as needed.
  2. Safety enforcement: The Security Control in Ashford helps enforce safety regulations and procedures on the construction site, ensuring that workers and visitors adhere to safety protocols. They may identify and report any hazardous conditions or safety violations to the site management.
  3. Incident documentation: The Security Control in Ashford maintains accurate records of any incidents, accidents, or security-related activities that occur on the construction site. This documentation is crucial for investigations, insurance purposes, and legal matters.
  4. Communication and reporting: The Security Control in Ashford maintains effective communication with other security personnel, site management, and relevant stakeholders. They provide regular reports on security incidents, observations, and any other pertinent information.

    It’s important to note that specific duties may vary depending on the size and nature of the construction site, as well as any additional responsibilities assigned by the employer.

Areas covered by our Security Units for Short/Long term Services

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